About Benzy

We believe you need

4 key things

to be successful

If an agent is willing to stay disciplined with our system, they will come out on top every time. So many agents out there are trying to win a race. They are capable, work hard, etc but are simply driving the wrong race car. They need a better system to excel.


We’ve spent over $15 million on social media generating various insurance leads. At Benzy, we focus all our lead generating efforts for our own agents. It’s vital to the ongoing success of our agents at Benzy that we maintain quality leads to keep the ship moving forward.


We focus on the psychology and sales process for our Benzy training program. With decades of personal experience, Nathan brings a plethora of knowledge on helping agents understand what we sell and who we sell it to. Training is a backbone of Benzy’s success and as Nathan would say, “At Benzy, you’re in good hands.”


Tying it all together, our system at Benzy allows automation, A.I., and other components of technology to help lessen the load of running a virtual business. We partner with great organizations that make our lives so much easier. We are constantly testing new technology to stay one step ahead in continuing to evolve our system.


One of the biggest holes in the industry is the lack of support. Agents, whether new or veteran, still need support. We work hard to provide real time support to all our agents from understanding the products we sell or the system and process in which we run a business. Support is vital and it’s important to us here at Benzy.

What our agents have to say

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