Privacy Pledge

We promise to never misuse your data and all information you share is secure.

Data is important. In fact, it’s the foundation on which most of the technology we’ve grown to love is built. Without it, services like ride sharing and music streaming wouldn’t exist. Data is what lets companies like ours personalize their service, making it instant, fun, and hassle free. We use data to personalize coverage, pay claims in seconds, prevent fraud, help our users perform instant changes to their policy, collect payments, and improve our advertising. But, what we don’t do, and never will, is misuse or carelessly disburse your private information. The data we require to provide our insurance services includes personal info that can identify you or be linked to you, such as your name, address, email, date of birth, social security number (only in cases that we explicitly ask for it), and your IP address. A full list of the categories of info we collect and don’t collect can be found in the chart below. Here’s how we may use your data:General site visits We collect anonymous website traffic to help us analyze performance in certain markets and improve our ad efficiency. Ensuring that we aren’t spending excess amounts of money on marketing and advertising allows us and our partners to keep costs low for our customers. For example, our team evaluates the efficiency of new ad campaigns by tracking visits from that campaign to our website. We’re using secure, industry-standard, third-party tools to analyze this data. Obtaining insurance quotes to be able to offer the best coverage at the right price, insurance companies evaluate the risks involved. For example, to be able to ensure that an individual is eligible for coverage, we require responses to health questions. And to ensure that the right person is both applying for and receiving the benefits of the insurance policy, we may, in some cases, require personal, identifiable information such as full name, date of birth, and social security number. We’re using secure, industry-standard, third-party tools to analyze and protect this data. Fighting fraud to be able to detect potential fraud attempts, we may reach out to health care providers or past insurance providers, as well as in some cases obtain criminal background information. We’re using secure, industry-standard, third-party tools to provide and analyze this data. Paying for and using insurance When buying a policy, we use third-party encrypted forms to protect your banking and account information. We’re using secure, industry-standard, third-party tools to collect, store and analyze this data. Marketing and advertising We may use cookies to help us optimize our digital campaigns, and to allow our customers to have a more personalized experience when coming back to our website. We’re using secure, industry-standard, third-party tools to analyze this data. We may also use information you submit to send you relevant content, personalized offers and announcements. Cookies and first/third-party tracking “Cookies” are small bits of info that a website sends to a computer’s hard drive when a website is viewed. We use cookies on our website and on marketing channels. We participate in behavior-based advertising which means a third party uses tech (like a cookie or web beacon) to collect info about your use of our website so that they can provide ads tailored to your interests on our site or other sites. We will always maintain our commitment to protecting your privacy If there are changes to our privacy pledge, or (god forbid) a breach to your data, we will make sure to notify you via email, regular mail, or phone – as required by law.

California Information Sharing Disclosure: This Information Sharing Disclosure is provided for FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act, codified at California Civil Code Sections 1798.100 through 1798.199 (CCPA), and supplements the Nurse Benefits Direct Privacy Policy to which it is appended. Sections 1798.115(c), 1798.130(a)(5)(c), 1798.130(c), and 1798.140 of the CCPA indicate that organizations should disclose whether the following categories of personal information are collected, transferred for “valuable consideration,” or transferred for an organization’s “business purpose” (as those terms are defined under California law). The table above indicates the categories of personal information we collect and transfer in a variety of contexts. Please note that because this list is comprehensive, it may refer to types of information that we collect and share about people other than yourself.

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